Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Apr 16 at 11:37 AM

This one is so fun. I love the section that starts at 12:30! Really I love anything that has us move our hips from side to side.

Commented on Superpower

Mar 31 at 09:42 AM

Any tips?! I’m trying tap into my intuition -I am four days into a tarot class!

Commented on Stolen Mat

Mar 31 at 09:39 AM

My cat does this every morning. And then when I move her she meows like “excuse you. wth do you think you are doing?!”

Replied on Superpowers!

Mar 30 at 06:04 AM

Thank you, Jessica! It is a great movie! I like sports movies more than real sports. Lol.

Replied on Letting Go

Mar 29 at 06:17 AM

(Oops, hit the button) I was in a “conquer” mode for my first challenege and was so proud that I did it all! It got me to regular exercise 5-6 days per week. While my goal is 45 classes for this challenge, I’m not stressed that I’m not meeting exactly that due to other things in my life. Sunday I took a 30 min walk in the sunshine. It was glorious! We need to be gentle with ourselves. :)

Commented on Letting Go

Mar 29 at 06:14 AM

Ditto!! I was in a “conquer”

Mar 28 at 06:47 AM

I agree that it was nice to see everyone's faces and voices! I totally teared up at the end of the video. For not having met anyone in person, I feel like we are all kindred spirits (to paraphrase one of my other favorite Canadians, Anne of Green Gables). Thank you for being awesome!

Replied on Tomorrow’s Live

Mar 12 at 09:29 AM

Tell it to my heart! YES

Mar 12 at 09:27 AM

Small town WI too!! From which are you? I’m from Hayward, now living in Denver.

Mar 08 at 02:57 PM

Thanks for the cookie tip!! Will look around for recipes!