Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Dec 05 at 06:13 AM

Lake Superior is mine too!

Dec 03 at 01:53 PM

I wasnt kidding when I said Iโ€™d buy a book of Marnieโ€™s Mantras.

Dec 03 at 01:52 PM

WE are making the world a better place!

Nov 26 at 07:44 AM

Ditto! I think I will add a weekly meditation in 2023.

Commented on Thanks, fam!

Nov 24 at 10:51 AM

Thank you, all!! I am so grateful for you. โค๏ธ
Sending love and hugs, and not too much reflection bc that can sometimes eat us up more than the situation. You can get through this! We got you!

Nov 13 at 08:49 AM

Tuning in from Denver, CO! Are you visiting or passing through? I have great coffee and ice cream recs if you have a spare 30mins and want to meet up!

Commented on post was deleted

Nov 13 at 08:46 AM

I so enjoyed your photos! Road trip? Iโ€™ve had to swap and sub a few classes due to a cold (or covid, who knows) and a sore hip, but keeping up with everything.

Commented on LA IRL CLASS POLL

Nov 11 at 06:54 AM

Either. Iโ€™m hoping to make this one!

Oct 18 at 06:45 AM

This time of year allll the homemade soups!