Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Sep 10 at 02:46 PM

Thoughts on regular chiro adjustments? Good for spinal health and overall health or not really? Mine does soft tissue manipulation first, which she says is super important, but I don’t really know.


Sep 09 at 08:56 AM

Jessica Gallagher Send me your address and I’ll write to you! lahapner2@gmail.com


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /404

Sep 07 at 07:34 AM

I love the slow abs! That’s where I feel most connected. And Deanna Carter. More of both, please!

Commented on M/<20 ABS SCULPT /249

Sep 06 at 04:10 PM

My current goal is one pushup/plank class a week. Since there are only 3(?) pushup/plank classes, I’m thrilled to add this plank heavy core class to the rotation!

Aug 31 at 10:25 PM

I take a morning walk after my vitamins and lemon water and before phone scrolling. I try for 35-40 mins, but sometimes I only have time for 20. I do this without music or an audiobook since reading how important it is for the brain to have free time sans consumption. I’ve increased my protein intake and as a result, have pretty much killed snacking (outside of a 3pm snack which carries me from a 12pm lunch to 6:30 ish pm dinner). We have been baking our own sourdough bread too! I journal on Saturdays. My newest goal is to write a card or letter to someone 2x/month.

Aug 18 at 08:59 AM

This class is beautiful! I added 2lb ankle weights and decreased the curtsy lunges from 3 to 2 to go deeper in both the curtsy and the wide second plie.


Aug 14 at 04:27 PM

Blossom and Branch Farm in Colorado!

Aug 14 at 04:26 PM

This class is an instant fave. Lately I’ve been slowing down the pace to go deeper into our moves and this is a great class to do so with all the lunging.

Aug 10 at 07:32 PM

Ease into it Cathy!


Jun 19 at 08:10 AM

Everything I’ve read about the menopause transition indicates less cardio and more walking and weight training. I’ve been modifying Mbody classes to be lower impact, and doing more floor classes to builld strength. How necessary is heavy weight training at a gym?
