Lindsey J

Apr 12 at 02:56 PM

“Beautiful things happen when we’re busy living them”

Commented on 5 great things list

Apr 12 at 02:55 PM

🥳 killing it girl

Commented on Something Beautiful!

Apr 12 at 02:55 PM

Thank you Rachel! It is still gloomy where I live, no blooms in sight. But this reminds me it’s coming

Commented on Tendinitis Sucks!

Apr 12 at 02:53 PM

Oh Becca, I’m sorry to hear this! Glad you have PT and awareness to modify. Silver lining, no push ups while you heal?! 🤷‍♀️😉 Thinking of you!!

Commented on 5 great things

Apr 12 at 02:51 PM

Whit!! Amazing 🤩

Apr 10 at 08:33 AM

I love this list!

Replied on It hurts to sneeze

Apr 08 at 05:17 PM

Don’t be scared! Remember, it’s Marnie. She’s got you, because you’ve got you, and wouldn’t have it any other way 🙌

Apr 07 at 01:17 PM

This class has me all scared and doubting myself mentally and physically before I even started, just because of the title, ” push ups” 😱 I was oh so wrong! I should have known to just trust Marnie! Like only she does, there is a mix of straight arm planks, fore arm, side poses, leg lifts, stretches, and relief for wrists with well planned movements. Meticulously planned as always, and incredibly supportive of acceptance and growth, not perfection and speed.

Apr 06 at 04:51 PM

Gah, I’m scared!! I previewed the live and cheered from the sidelines at my desk today. Channeling Steph, evolution and grace is the challenge, not perfection. Right?!

Apr 06 at 04:49 PM

Mama!! You did the most important thing. Took care of yourself and it had lasting repercussions on the ones that matter most xxoo