Lindsey J

Commented on Back on the mat

May 14 at 01:04 PM

Booty and Back 115 is a great lower energy one with flows and different sequencing. Dancers Core 155 and Booty and Back 163 are unique and flowy. Any of the shorter low impact classes, especially barre focused are my go to for less energy and endurance. Or the fun 20-30min cardio dances like 240 or <20 Standing Core Dance. Or if you have a favorite body part to work choose a focus class! Love arms, or stretch, or true leg burn, go for those. You can’t go wrong! Are you on IG? I can send my Ballerina Badassery playlist. All of the ballet inspired classes are faves of mine, especially on days where energy is low and bouncing feels like a lot ☺️

May 11 at 04:08 AM

Lissa..I’ve been sitting with this for days after reading. Searching for the “right” thing to say and coming up empty and hesitant and instead sitting in silence. I apologize for that. I see you, I hear you, I feel all your words to the core and gosh my love, so much pain. I’m with you, in whatever form I’m able to show up with.

May 11 at 04:05 AM

What a unique and powerful class! Challenging mentally to ride and accept new choreography and wiggles, and manage a sweaty ball with grace and playfulness; challenging physically to use smaller muscles and feel that strengthening fire. Loved it. The closing words and extra time spent to talk about the humaness we all experience..thank you Marnie. Your compassion filled, ever growing and adapting, seeking to evolve and fall and get back up mentality that you express through words IS M/BODY and the reason why we come and stay. Thank you 💗

May 11 at 03:13 AM

Yes!! I absolutely experienced that and also have a size 6. Marnie suggests mini for under feet work for small feet. I no longer have issues when I stick with that ☺️

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /51

May 07 at 03:30 PM

I’ve done this one 3-4xs, most recently on accident thinking I hadn’t done it in awhile, but so glad I did. Fresh spins on choreo and lots of changes, all props, not many long holds, and full body work for sure. This is the perfect class for when you are a little sore and don’t want to over fatigue anything. It is so balanced, and the playlist will make you grin.

Commented on Rough day today

May 07 at 04:43 AM

I love this honesty, it’s so real and every single mama out there can relate completely, myself included. Love to you Jaimie

May 04 at 04:47 AM

I loved every single series in this class! Single arm weight combos and weight behind the knee is such an invigorating challenge. Monique couldn’t be more correct, you will feel so badass.

Apr 30 at 09:43 AM

As Marnie says, hips are where we hold a lot of our emotions. I recommend the Healing Hips classes, there are two in the catalog. Also, any stretch class really. It requires a tuning in and slowing down. Not possible to run from emotions if you truly embrace that tempo, mind and body. Another thing I do from time to time is pick a few random classes and just listen to the ending meditations. Her words hit every time.

Commented on M/<30 TOWEL DANCE /278

Apr 29 at 03:57 PM

This towel dance is reminiscent of the ones before, but with the surprise of using the barre. This makes it more accessible aka easier on the freaking leg fire by switching to adding some arm and ab fire. Dilutes the fire? Lol And that ending Footloose dance?! So fun!! Loved the sequencing switch. Always making it fresh Marnie, such a gift and so appreciated!

Apr 29 at 03:53 PM

This class is amazing!! It is kick filled dancing joy (straight up cheesy grins) and brain working punching combo bliss. Optional 2-3lb weights for half of class; disclaimer, you WILL feel that choice in your biceps and deltoids for the ab section. FIRE. Loved it!!