Lindsey J

Jun 11 at 06:16 AM

We had you with us in spirit! If you have a few min listen to the meditation ๐Ÿค Also, I did 45 posture sweat 219 this week and when your song came on in orange abs, I lit UP! Kesha Boogie Feet ๐Ÿคฉ

Commented on Question ๐Ÿ’™

Jun 09 at 04:05 PM

Hi! No experience at all but I appreciate how good it is for our feet to work on toe separation! My toes are crammed together, I remember toe socks in HS and thinking how much they hurt. Thereโ€™s an IG account Docjenfit and she is a PT with lots of helpful recs and a big advocate for barefoot and toe space work.

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /290

Jun 08 at 03:51 AM

This is a magical orange light class. You will feel elegant and strong and so grounded.

Commented on Fur Baby

Jun 07 at 06:16 AM

Heโ€™s beautiful!! So serene in the sunshine. Is he yours?

Jun 07 at 06:16 AM

Mayo ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ’— this is so beautiful and so true and so inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your precious son/daughter. And happiest Marnie-versary to you!!

Jun 06 at 07:18 AM

Yay!! It was pure timing coincidence that I could give you that recommendation! So glad you like me it. The thrill of pain free movement is the best endorphin

Replied on Workout Minis

Jun 05 at 03:31 PM

Oh my sweetness, I didnโ€™t know you had littles! Love it

Replied on Workout Minis

Jun 05 at 03:31 PM

It wonโ€™t always be a dream! They will grow and suddenly mama has space. Itโ€™s glorious.

Commented on Movement balls

Jun 04 at 06:17 AM

Yay!! I feel like you just had a birthday? Happy birthday present to you! The mini was a game changer for me for under the feet work

Commented on Workout Minis

Jun 04 at 05:51 AM

This is adorable and I am in awe of your ability to not lose your mind in the chaos. My family is without being told banned from my workout space but they are 42, 9, and fur so it makes it easier for privacy ๐Ÿ˜†