Lindsey J

Mar 26 at 01:55 PM

Yay Emily!! They are game changers for sure! Especially the mini for me with my small (size 6) feet.

Yes, keep children away! And puppies 😬 Right Molly Mandell ?!


Mar 24 at 05:18 AM

Amazing!! I don’t think she has any IRL classes scheduled, but maybe some LA fam members can recommend similar studio classes for you to try? (Let’s face it, absolutely nothing compares to M/BODY, but the studio feel from any class is special!). I know Bandier had a studio she has worked with many times, maybe check that out?

Mar 23 at 06:33 AM

Oh Molly..sending so much love and light to you and your family. Navigating grief and holistic movement is overwhelming. I completely understand and relate to what you have articulated. Movement is medicine and therapy and so important as tools, but it is also necessary distraction. To harness the distraction aspect without the emotional dive from deep hip work or focused verbal messages throughout, I would say knockout classes or cardio dance, or the theme classes (Taylor, 80s, Halloween #40) in specific have a fun vibe throughout. They all have a lighter, free focus both physically and verbally, which may help as you try to manage the minefield of emotions. Nothing like stumbling across that when you’re trying to take a break from it. It’s necessary and good, and I know you are allowing yourself to feel as I know you personally, but sometimes it’s too much. It’s so wonderful that you know this and what you need right now. Brain choreo and deep strength also distract 💛


Mar 17 at 04:12 PM

Ahhhhh!!!! Whitney!!! Congratulations!!!! ❤️


Mar 17 at 06:35 AM

Oh Leslie, my heart goes out to you and to the honest and vulnerable way that you have articulated your experience. You’ve made movement your physical, mental, and emotional therapy. That is the goal to end all goals. Wellness 💛


Mar 17 at 06:28 AM

Tina!! I realized today after coming across a Tina leg series in another class, that there are enough Tina segments to make a full body workout 😅

Tina Turner push-ups courtesy of Badass Women Sig/359, TT legs c/o Sig Celebrating Black Artists/259, TT Arms c/o Sig/93 AND TT dance party c/o Cardio Dance/288.

Tina Turner Tidbits?! Bite size 5min workouts 🙌

Mar 15 at 08:55 AM

Grounding, elegant, and challenging in novel ways with the incorporation of ankle weights. This is a great add on class when you’re looking for a leg/glute focused series.

Commented on M/<30 ARM DANCE /360

Mar 15 at 08:53 AM

This class has some true arm challenges with only 3lb and 5lb weights. The brain work needed for this challenge is meditative. While I typically seek more bounce and full body activation, I found this arm focused class strength harnessing and grounding.

Mar 15 at 02:39 AM

Costanza hi!! For you I will always recommend a Sig! I also revisited that class within a few days, SO good 🤩. I know you’ve done 74 (it’s amazing, worth repeating repeatedly!) or you could do 263! 171 is a power sculpt class, elongated use of weights and wide second series with more mental endurance work (as a heads up if you do that one). It’s one that for me doesn’t bring the same amount of joy as those signature powerful women classes. But everyone is different!). The original Phenomenal women/30 has a classic quick signature feel to it and must be done at some point for that M/BODY history feel :)

Mar 13 at 05:27 PM

Happiest birthday Whit!! So good to see your glowing face and lovely smile, M/BODY joy captured in a photo 🤩
