
Budapest, Hungary

Commented on post was deleted

Aug 25 at 12:15 PM

Don't be sad... 😊 We are so there with you in spirit! Share a lot of pictures, and can't wait for that video drop.

Commented on M/<45 CARDIO CORE /255

Aug 25 at 12:02 PM

This one does wonders when you feel bloated. So many twists and turns! I'm a big fan of classes when we are going back and forth with standing, table top, and on our backs positions and we are focusing both on sweating and sculpting. Additionally, this class really opened my upper back which is a cherry on top! So many fun combos and they are laced together so beautifully creating a nice flow.

Aug 22 at 10:33 AM

Today I felt so insecure in my body and I kept having those crazy thoughts of 'I shouldn't work out because it doesn't make a difference anyway, and there are not enough workouts to heal my body so why should I bother,' etc. IYKYK... But then I was kind of missing Marnie and wanted to listen to some music, so I rolled out my mat. This was the perfect workout for my grumpy, self-destructive vibes. It is low impact, and more stretchy than most of the sculpt classes. I did it without using a barre and those many balancing opportunities completely shifted my thoughts and elevated my mood. I ended up smiling and when I looked into the mirror with that post-Marnie-glow once again I knew why we do these workouts: to have more energy and to have hope that we are able to and in fact, we are changing for the better. And even if it's a tiny step in the right direction it matters a lot. 


Aug 19 at 03:18 PM

Such a beautiful signature class, which was not only the celebration of the challenge completion, but it felt like a celebration of being together, being consistent and building useful habits. This video is a great one if you'd like to feel connected both to your body and our community.

I am so excited for all that M/BODY has in store for us, the NYC events are going to be so amazing (thank you for working on the streaming/recording options), and these prizes were phenomenal. And a possible Pour Les Femmes collab?! I'm super excited!


Commented on Challenge Done!

Aug 19 at 05:55 AM

You are my hero! 💙💜

Aug 19 at 05:54 AM

Vic, your post made me teary. I love you and I love all that you're saying. A full, balanced life is all that we are craving for and it seems like you have one. And I am cheering you on for redoing the last 30 days!!! You can and you will do it at your own pace.

Aug 19 at 05:48 AM

Gosh, I completely forgot about the prizes, but now I am here for them!!!!! (especially for the grand prize 😊😜)

Commented on Hi fam!!

Aug 19 at 05:47 AM

Can't wait for today's class!!!

Commented on Challenge boards

Aug 19 at 05:46 AM

Wow, good job!!

Commented on Challenge boards

Aug 19 at 05:45 AM

You are A M A Z I N G !!!