
Budapest, Hungary

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /286

May 20 at 11:42 AM

It's mindblowing how all these signature classes have the same structure yet they are so unique and surprising. My body feels safe knowing the pace, and how the combos follow each other, yet I can experience brand new sensations every single time. Today's live has brought me all of my favorite feelings: the feeling of freedom, joy, and letting it loose. The playlist is exquisite, I basically sang along the whole time. The bridge series was freaking hard!!! Marnie, I cannot thank you enough for keeping it fresh and fun!


Commented on Grateful

May 17 at 12:37 PM

M/BODY & 🐈 = my happy place, too

Commented on Happy Mothers Day 🌸

May 17 at 12:36 PM

You are such a warrior. Gorgeous pic, and thank you for all the light you bring into this community. I celebrate you!!!

Commented on Love

May 17 at 12:34 PM

I feel you. Glad you're here.

Commented on Good morning

May 17 at 12:34 PM

Looks so yummy!

Commented on post was deleted

May 17 at 12:33 PM

OMG, she is the absolute cutest! ☺️

May 17 at 03:34 AM

Gosh, I've been praying for this class for so long, and my day has come! Can't wait!!!!! It's going to be so rejuvenating.

May 16 at 09:47 AM

Yepp, I revisited this one in May. It has been such a rainy and cloudy period over here, so I thought I'd cheer and warm myself up with a little bit of Holiday Marnie Magic. Best decision of my day for sure. Hardcore arm series! The most fun dance combos. And I'll probably feel my abs tomorrow. Also, I love finishing a class by holding a plank. Holiday classes during summer rock! ps. Marnie's closing words and pieces of advice at the end are going to stay with me for a while. HAVE FUN, you guys all year long!!!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /6

May 12 at 10:12 AM

So much unnecessary bullshit got thrown at me these past few days, I needed a familiar flow that I can execute with confidence. This was the perfect choice! I LOVE this class more and more each time I do it!!!

Commented on I’ve Graduated!

May 11 at 03:50 AM

Congrats and wishing you many many joyful workouts with those beauties! I still remember the feeling when I uprgraded from nothing to 3lbs weights 😅😅😅