Leah Pierce

Calgary, Canada

Apr 15 at 07:57 AM

Alberta 🇨🇦 would be amazing!

Sep 30 at 08:43 AM

I most often favourite the 45s, but love the variety as well


Commented on Live Class Times

Feb 23 at 06:01 AM

Wednesday at 9am would be great for me :)


May 03 at 12:03 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Here are my finished boards. I’m proud of myself and had a blast working out with you all. Thank you fam!!!



Apr 17 at 07:21 AM

I loved the cardio sweat 111. I’m a fan of anything that gets my HR up and the sweat flowing. I can’t believe we are over 2/3 through the challenge. Bravo to my fellow challengers! I’ve never exercised this many days in a row my life and I’m definitely seeing some positive changes in my body and my mental health. 💪❤️


Apr 13 at 03:07 PM

Ah yeah! This one felt so, so good. Thank you!

Apr 10 at 09:41 AM

Hi! I'm here but a day late. I really appreciate the grounding of this one. So, so great. Also, thank you for playing my favourite the New Order song, it really pumped me up. Maybe we need an all 80s class?!?

Commented on It hurts to sneeze

Apr 08 at 06:15 PM

Same for me. It was tough.

Apr 03 at 07:46 AM

Thank you Beáta for the encouraging words.


Apr 02 at 08:29 PM

It was a grey day for me. The weather was dreary and lately I’ve been feeling down and tired and worn out…but I’m so grateful to be able to nourish myself and my family with nutritious, healthy and vibrant food. It’s truly a thing of beauty. Today’s M/body Live really boosted my mood too. I’m thankful to experience that with you all from all over the globe! Happy half way point to the challengers!