Simona Eftimova

Feb 09 at 02:12 PM

Omg! I used to be so afraid of those knockout sweat session, thinking I wasn’t capable of doing it.. guess what - not afraid anymore! This one was soo fun and soo empowering and so energising, boy that feels amazing!! Thank you 💜

Feb 01 at 03:30 PM

This class feels me up with so much energy every time I do it ♥️♥️♥️

Jan 18 at 03:47 PM

This is so challenging!! Definitely coming back to it ♥️

Jan 08 at 08:20 AM

My favourite session for the days when I don’t feel like giving 120% and just want to feel my blood flowing and releasing tension. Love it ❤️

Jan 01 at 11:53 PM

This is exactly what I need on the days with low energy - sweaty, not too bouncy, filling you with oxygen 😍❤️

Dec 12 at 10:54 AM

Even after me 2,5 years being part of M/body Marnie still finds a way to challenge one over and over again! This class was just sweat dropping and knees shaking, but man I loved it <3

Dec 11 at 04:50 PM

Always coming back to this one <3

Dec 06 at 03:42 PM

Exactly what I needed these days.. So calming <3

Commented on M/<30 BOOTY + ABS /332

Dec 05 at 04:26 PM

This was so challenging, it kept my head busy and my legs shaking! Oh, and super sweaty 💦♥️

Dec 02 at 04:32 PM

Oo wow Tanisha, that is amazing!! Happy birthday!! ☺️🥳enjoy this new chapter of your life! It’s amazing how M/body is so healing for so many people all around the world, how we share the same experience and grow together! Enjoy your day 🥰🌸
