Heather Cockburn


Oct 17 at 11:26 AM

Day 2!

Taking a page from Mel and writing my goals down here and sharing with all of you as I want to honour these goals:

1 - Mental - moving my phone outside of reach so I don’t scroll at night or in the morning

2 - Emotional - start journaling in a way that feels meaningful and not forced

3 - Balance - avoid placing so much emphasis on food. I want to take into account how I feel verus preconceived notions of what I should be eating

Happy challenge! This is my 4th challenge!

I’m going for 60 days because I love the routine of making M/BODY a priority. It helps me in all aspects of my life!



Commented on Goals and Life

Oct 17 at 07:59 AM

Sending love Mel! ❤️ you are enough exactly as you are.
I can’t wait friends!! I have a big event tomorrow night so I won’t be able to join the live tomorrow, but I’ll be there in spirit and taking all the good vibes I can get!! ❤️

Jul 18 at 03:10 AM

New faves class! So sweaty and challenging! Happ200 live!💕

Jul 03 at 04:14 AM

This was pure joy. I need to do it more! Thank you

Jun 22 at 02:29 AM

Ohhhh I loved this class! I'm so sweaty and happy. The M/Body glow is so real. XO

Commented on Two in one day?

Jun 02 at 07:05 AM

Love it!! Which one did you do? I need some inspiration today!

Jun 02 at 07:04 AM

You are incredible!! Your bathroom workout is inspiration to us all that we can get it done no matter where we are! ❤️

May 26 at 10:39 AM

To my surprise... I put this one in my favourites as a class that challenges me! I love when past me encourages future me! I'll keep coming back to this one. XO

May 18 at 05:48 PM

Yay!! So excited!! Booked my spot! Toronto is coming to NYC!!