Jessica Davis

Commented on M/<30 ARM SCULPT /266

Mar 16 at 09:18 AM

This class was so rad, left feeling energized and balanced at the same time. Thank you!!

Mar 16 at 07:00 AM

Love these Heidi, looks like such a great getaway! I need that dog yoga wallpaper in my life 😂

Mar 14 at 09:11 AM

Ahh! This is so awesome!! I hiked the GC rim to rim with my dad a few years ago. It’s a place I hold close to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing. Such a great photo, beautiful fam Jess!!

Mar 10 at 11:45 AM

Amazing class! Thank you so much! The floor movement ball moves really got me! 😂❤️

Commented on Birthday Workout

Jan 25 at 11:38 AM

Happy birthday Jaimie!! ♒️❤️

Commented on Marvelous Monday

Jan 23 at 08:11 AM

❤️ thank you for this

Commented on Perseverance

Jan 23 at 08:11 AM

Love this and love you

Jan 21 at 04:45 PM

This class was so fantastic, loved the heel lunges on the ball. Thank you so much

Jan 17 at 12:32 PM

Awesome to see you in your mat Nina!! ❤️

Commented on Discipline

Jan 17 at 06:41 AM

Thank you so much for sharing ❤️ love this