Suzy K

Aug 23 at 08:56 AM

Congratulations! Prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy and babies!!!



Aug 16 at 08:23 PM

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Missed doing the lives with the Fam but was able to complete 42/60 - goal was 30. Definitely was a challenging summer in a multitude of ways. Congrats to all who were able to complete workouts - no matter the number or frequency!


Jul 24 at 01:49 PM

I have done this one many, many times - always a great one. Sometimes I don’t realize how much I need this until I’ve completed the workout and think to myself- it was just what I needed. The emotional release (as well as tension release) through these hip stretches is amazing! Marnie, thank you for all the goodness and healing you put out in the world.

Jul 21 at 10:02 AM

Jessica, your brothers are so lucky to have you and your husband in their lives. I’m sorry for the losses you and your family have had to endure - keep loving yourself and each other and “live in the light” as Marnie says. Know that we all - the Global Fam - are here for you and support you each and every day! Sending strength, love and prayers

Jul 09 at 10:24 AM

Wonderful, sweaty workout- feels so good! Shoulders a bit of a challenge for me - just made adjustments as per recommendations. Thank you for a great quick sweat!

Jul 05 at 05:55 AM

Missing more Lives than I planned , however it is the season of life I’m in. I have been able to meet my goal however have had to switch some workouts (still working through shoulder issues, sounds like my new normal). That being said- loving the workouts and so happy to be able to move and be with you all (even if not live). Smile often & Be In the Light!

Jul 05 at 05:44 AM

Hi Beáta, Not behind- just where you need to be at this moment in time. Rest, relaxing, laying on the floor, or crying in a closet :) , are just as important - food for the soul kind of things. One day you’ll be like- ok, today I can push play. Sometimes I just play a meditation and find myself doing it even though I didn’t set out with that intention. Wherever you are is great- don’t feel stressed about being behind (although I totally get that too). Smile to the sun and know that we are smiling with you & sending M/Body Fam hugs!

Jun 22 at 12:31 PM

So sorry for your loss, Kelli. Just remember to grant yourself grace & take it one day at a time

Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /291

Jun 13 at 12:16 PM

Love the choreography and the message at the end - as always!

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /290

Jun 12 at 12:02 PM

This was a beautiful workout- stretching, sweating and rejuvenating- Thank You!