Suzy K

Jan 24 at 11:23 AM

Wonderful cardio dance workout- fun and energetic

Jan 10 at 05:40 AM

Barre, stretch, ball & standing workouts - thank you!


Jan 02 at 08:13 PM

Happy New Year Jessica! I hope 2024 is a fabulous one for you and yours!

Jan 02 at 08:12 PM

Thank you Faith! Wishing 2024 is all you hope for and more!

Dec 22 at 06:39 PM

9am is great!

Nov 11 at 10:28 AM

Love this class!

Sep 25 at 01:25 PM

30 & 45


Congratulations! Prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy and babies!!!


Jul 24 at 01:49 PM

I have done this one many, many times - always a great one. Sometimes I donโ€™t realize how much I need this until Iโ€™ve completed the workout and think to myself- it was just what I needed. The emotional release (as well as tension release) through these hip stretches is amazing! Marnie, thank you for all the goodness and healing you put out in the world.

Jul 21 at 10:02 AM

Jessica, your brothers are so lucky to have you and your husband in their lives. Iโ€™m sorry for the losses you and your family have had to endure - keep loving yourself and each other and โ€œlive in the lightโ€ as Marnie says. Know that we all - the Global Fam - are here for you and support you each and every day! Sending strength, love and prayers