Laura Masters

Jul 11 at 06:47 AM

Oh man, I wish I could! I only get 2 personal days to take off every year, but it would be so amazing to go!

Jul 10 at 10:02 AM

I am in love with this one! I always appreciate the message that every day is different. I used a wall as a modification during the plank series, which I don’t usually do, but it’s what my body needed today. And that’s okay 🖤 thank you for all the modifications and beautiful messages 🖤

Jul 08 at 09:51 AM

I absolutely love this one. I feel so strong, and the sequences were amazing. I will definitely come back to this one a lot!

Jun 05 at 09:00 AM

This is exactly what I needed today. I was feeling stiff and sore this morning, and now my body AND my mind are refreshed and feeling ready for the day 💜

Commented on Bit of app trouble

May 29 at 08:10 AM

I’m having the same problem!


Apr 24 at 02:03 PM

I came back to the mat today after about a month of not working out. I was recently diagnosed with depression, and it has been a difficult road for me. I’m tired all the time, and as a teacher the end of the year is approaching and it is crazy busy. The weather is finally turning nice here in Iowa, and I have spent a few days outside going on walks. I’m not exactly sure what it is that I need right now, but I know I want to slowly get back to where I was. I just wanted to come on here and say that I’m still here, even if I’m not at lives or posting on social media. I’m going to try and get a few 20 or 30 minute videos in during the week and go from there. Thanks to everyone who reached out to me on Instagram. This fam is the best 🖤


Commented on Mini dance partner!

Mar 12 at 12:10 PM

This is adorable!

Commented on Where are you from?

Mar 12 at 12:09 PM

I’m from Minnesota, but I live in Iowa now!

Commented on Workout mat

Mar 05 at 07:54 PM

Good question! I also work out on carpet. I don’t have a lot of options in my apartment, and I don’t have a mat! I usually just use a folded towel or blanket when I need to be on my knees, and put it to the side when I’m on my feet. But if anyone has a good mat suggestion for carpet, I would love to know about it!
I’m very excited for this challenge! This is my third challenge. I’m committing to 30 days. I think I got to 24 days last time, so 30 seems like the best option for me! This school year is tough for teaching, and I have been struggling with my mental health. I’m grateful for this community. I always feel better when I show up on the mat.