Laura Masters


Aug 03 at 09:49 AM

Hi fam! It has been months since I have been to the mat. With moving, working two jobs, and major house repairs, I haven’t made time for myself. But I felt a sense of motivation with the beginning of a new month. I’m doing the 10 days of loveliness to get me back to the mat, and it feels so good. I haven’t connected with anyone on instagram in awhile. I gave up my fitness account. It was too much social media for me, so if anyone wants to connect, my personal handle is @laurabrown2148. I have missed this and it feels so good to be back 💜



May 02 at 06:59 PM

It has been a minute since I have been on the platform. I missed the fam, and I finally got in my first workout this morning in the new house! But holy crap, our new carpet is SLIPPERY! What is the best mat for on cushy carpet? This is very different from my crappy apartment carpet 😅


Commented on Mid week check in!

Jan 25 at 06:35 PM

This is a loaded question for me right now! I’m feeling totally overwhelmed, but for good things! My grad school class started this week, and over the weekend my husband and I had an offer accepted for our first home! So excited, but oh man is this a process! I also have a sore shoulder, so I have not been keeping up my morning routine and that makes me sad!


Dec 07 at 10:54 AM

I’m very excited that my new sweats arrived! They got here just in time for me to lounge around in them all day because I took a sick day today. I have a small cold, and in the past I would have fought through it to go to work because sometimes it’s easier as a teacher to just tough it out than figure out sub plans. But I’m taking care of me and putting myself first. That has been a goal of mine for a few months, so I’m proud of myself for following through and taking care of myself.


Commented on Black Friday Sale!!!

Nov 23 at 05:37 PM

I’m so excited! I just bought sweatpants and a movement ball! I’ll have to check back for a tank when my size is back in stock.

Oct 23 at 01:31 PM

I haven’t made it to the mat in almost a month. My body was stiff and sore before this workout, and now I’m feeling amazing. I love this one so much and will come back to it often 🖤 plus the message at the end was exactly what I needed to hear at this time in my life.

Commented on HAPPY TUESDAY!!!

Sep 27 at 06:49 PM

Happy Tuesday! I had a tough day at school today. I went on a walk after work and felt much better. Going to bed early tonight and starting fresh tomorrow!


Sep 17 at 09:16 AM

Hi fam! It has been a minute since I got to the mat, but I did M/<20 Ballet Stretch /96 this morning which was perfect after a week of hiking with students! I’m working two jobs this year, and I have always been an evening workout person. That’s just not happening this year, so I want to try morning workouts, but it scares me!how do you do it if you workout in the morning? I have medicine I take that I have to take with something in my stomach, but I don’t always feel great in the morning, which makes working out much harder. Plus waking up is a struggle! Any advice would be appreciated 🙂


Sep 17 at 09:12 AM

I have been hiking with my students all week and my legs and hips felt so tight today. This was perfect 💜 I feel so much better now!


Aug 05 at 08:54 PM

Missing the live tomorrow and working out for a few days as I recover from oral surgery. It didn’t go quite as planned, so the recovery will be longer, and I will likely need another surgery. I will miss the fam tomorrow and hope to get back to the mat soon 🖤