Claudia M

Milan, Italy

Aug 18 at 02:45 AM

A new favourite one! Give it a try even if you’re not a country music fan: I just finished it and it’s a class filled with energy and positive vibes! The music will guide you through the moves and you’ll be at the end without realizing it! ✨🤍

Commented on Country Class

Aug 18 at 02:40 AM

Ciao Danni! Just finished it and it was gorgeous 😊 a true revelation about country music (not so common here in Italy)! I’m sure all the energy and positive vibes will stay with me all day long!

Commented on Today’s Live

Aug 13 at 10:37 PM

Can’t wait for Wednesday. I’m sorry for the technical issues but it’s the beauty of live!

Commented on New here

Aug 05 at 02:27 AM

Welcome Cat!

Aug 05 at 02:26 AM

Good luck Emily, hope that everything will turn as you wish✨ Keep taking care of yourself, rest when feel your body needs it and come here to share whenever you want! 🤍

Replied on ✨Sharing joy✨

Jul 30 at 04:25 AM


Replied on ✨Sharing joy✨

Jul 25 at 03:53 AM

I’m loving it!

Replied on ✨Sharing joy✨

Jul 25 at 03:53 AM


Replied on ✨Sharing joy✨

Jul 25 at 03:53 AM


Replied on ✨Sharing joy✨

Jul 25 at 03:53 AM

Yes Lindsey, I’ve used the Movement ball under my feet and thought that the mini ball could be better for my feet (I’m a 5!) Thank you for your super useful and funny advices 😊