Claudia M

Milan, Italy

Commented on Challenge Complete

May 03 at 01:04 PM

Congrats and thank you for your support along the challenge! Your messages are always so kind and your smile is contagious💫

Commented on We Did It!

May 03 at 01:03 PM

🙌🏻 well done Suzy!

Commented on 40/60

May 03 at 01:03 PM

Congratulations Bjork, for the challenge and for all those decisiond you’ve taken👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

May 03 at 01:01 PM

Becca congratulations!!! I cannot express how grateful I am to share this experience with you🤍 You’ve been and will always be such an inspiration for me. Love you girl!

May 03 at 12:59 PM


Commented on 45 Days of M/Body!

May 03 at 12:59 PM

Congratulations Leah, you have to be proud!!!

Commented on Waves

Apr 27 at 01:45 AM

Lindsey, I’m glad it’s a mild form and you’re ok. Give yourself time and take care, phisically and emotionally. Sending you my thoughts and love

Apr 22 at 01:44 PM

I’ll be there and invited a few friends, hope they’ll join us🤍

Apr 21 at 07:31 AM

A class to find our inner ballerina and feel all the grace and elegance that a ballet class can give. Marnie adds a twist of energy and strenght to each movement. A new favorite and a must one when one has limited time. Grazie Marnie!

Apr 21 at 12:38 AM

Daniela you must be proud of your accomplishments, being a MOF is not an easy task and for a non-french woman… bravo!!!