
Jul 09 at 09:44 AM

That’s a great reminder Heidi! Thank you !! It’s so funny and freeing to express these beliefs we had …. Afraid to fall … I can see that one too … I have one of : what if it hurts? When we do the grand plea … which is also silly . IF it hurts … I’ll stop : duh…… why didn’t I think of that before .. ? Lol /so silly!!! Kinda like IF you fall : you will be caught! ….. oh! That one is deep!! 🤣💜 this place is magical ! And I love curly hair!! Curls are glorious!! More curls please!! 🦄💜

Commented on Bloom!

Jul 08 at 01:53 PM

That’ is such a breathtakingly beautiful sweet wish : wow! Jocelyn ! Thank you ! 🌸💜🌸💜

Jul 08 at 01:44 PM

💜💜💜Are you kidding me Heidi? You’re hair was made to be let down! It’s gorgeous!!! And I love rhis pic and honesty: I let my hair down and wow did it feel good! Freedom!! … for those first few minutes of class before the deep sweat made it impossible 😆. .. but do I believe it was scary?? Yes ! Ahem I was afraid of doing a challenge before this … so weird ??! I’ can’t even remember why ? I had that block! Bravo I say!! You are a beautiful goddess rock star!!!👑💜

Commented on Make up day

Jul 07 at 06:48 AM

Amazing!! I will never forget when Marnie said ok I just got sweat in my eye! And then she giggled and said …why do I love that feeling? I laughed so much then and I think of how cool is to be with people who get you! I am always impressed with how much I sweat too!

Commented on Workout Minis

Jul 07 at 06:03 AM

Awww!!! What magic!!!

Jul 04 at 10:06 AM

~. deliciously empowering : the bar work was a great repreive from the floor work :  the bar is so masterful :  this hot pink was made for you :  I love the metaphor of salt water healing :  you are a teacher of all teachers : what an absolute Gift to gave the good karma to meet you and be your student, friend, adorer, cheerleader 

Jul 04 at 07:51 AM

Big love to you!!!! I am so grateful for you and your light!! You are a star! Hope you have a beautiful peaceful day!!!

Jul 04 at 07:50 AM

Wow … that is so true.. for me as well … it means a lot that we are not alone on the voyage of life! Thank you for sharing!

Jul 04 at 07:48 AM

Yay!!! Proud of you!

Replied on Grateful for

Jul 04 at 07:47 AM

That is so true!!! The mornings contain magic do t they? 💜