
Dec 11 at 12:21 PM

This meditation on gratitude is so so so sooooooo ppwerful ~~. thank you M you are so endlessly wise, generous and creative xoxoxoxooxoxoxox

Jul 19 at 07:11 AM

That’s so sweet !! So peaceful

Thank you for sharing

Jul 19 at 07:10 AM

That’s so amazing!!!!!!!!!! Love that!!!!!!!

Jul 19 at 07:09 AM

That is the cutest

That nose!!! Swoon


Jul 19 at 07:07 AM

Light on flowing water : so beautiful

Thank you for taking the time to share

Jun 06 at 10:46 AM

💪I used 4 pounds and, for once,  I was not hard on myself for not being able to do the big guns....I remember Marnie saying her classes never get easy..and I felt comforted by that ..and it felt right.  So I gave up the struggle (and maybe a touch of sneaky pride) of doing all of Marnie's moves  "perfect" and I felt proud of what I could do and excited to see what could happen.  That's big progress y'all.  I'm very proud of me!  And grateful for M and our global family. Because we are stronger together ~ and more fun too 


May 27 at 12:11 PM

I love love love this class so much ...its so full shiny joy and inspiration and amazing songs I love the Janet Mock quote....I love hearing "there is no  place better than to be than right here.." I dont know why, buyt this always deepens my relaxation tenfold : We show :  We Share : We Show UP. We Shine becasue of you Marn .. How much I adore you and am in awe of your poetic beautiful words that flow so easily through you ~. you are a divine sister angel

May 26 at 09:46 AM

I love this ..I feel like the anaerobic classes release the deep toxins like a dry sauna and the aerobic  releases the superficial toxins  like a steam sauna : Lotta shouder work here .. whoa, not my natural forte I have to day but better than ever before ...and milimeter by imperceptible millimeter,  I grow,  we grow, ensemble thank you M

May 23 at 08:51 AM

so beautiful!  a billion thank yous .. I particularly loved the ending poem/prayer filled my heart with wonder and joy ~~~~~

Mar 20 at 08:36 AM

Wow’ Whit! That’s so amazing!!!

It’s a beautiful ring : so happy for you!!
