
Jun 19 at 10:44 AM

How beautiful Monique! I am so grateful for you! You are a star!!!

Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /123

Jun 19 at 10:35 AM

What is a superpower I wish I had?  I wish I had the power to tell everyone I met why they came to this planet :  with such accuracy : that they would feel so loved and empowered and share that with the world What is my real superpower? ??? ......hmmmm I think it is to tell stories I loved this class!!  The music was amazing!  As always! and I kept my arms up this time the whole time!!  That was a few years coming ! But that I am proud of!It always amazes me how the anarobic gets the sweat on!!!!!  Je t'adore!!!!!  Thank you!!!


Jun 18 at 11:31 AM

What a great class!  I love the playful somersaut roll!  So joyful!!  And challenging!  The meditation at the end is transformative.  The first time I did this class I did not share what I needed to let go of... this time I did ..and I feel 7 pounds lighter; not in physical weight..but in heavy aura clouds that have now lifted ....Oh!  The playlist!!  that was the bomb! Sowani! Liv!  Marni! Thank youuuuuuuuuu 

Jun 18 at 11:19 AM

Thank you for sharing!!!

Commented on Summer challenges

Jun 18 at 11:12 AM

Wow!!Look at all your lovely plants!! So amazing!!! May your new house be full of light love and amazing creations !! Where did you move too? Looks so sunny and happy vibez! 💜💜💜

Commented on Summer Challenge Day 1

Jun 17 at 05:37 PM


Jun 17 at 05:37 PM

2 Miranda’s? What astonishing luck!! You are both beautiful brave souls!!

Commented on MT photos

Jun 17 at 05:35 PM

So Pretty!!!!

Jun 17 at 05:35 PM

I am so excited to do this challenge!!! What a way to spend a summer! Thank you M for the challenge and the opportunity to shine!!! Let’s do this💕💕💕💕

Commented on Fur Baby

Jun 09 at 05:53 AM

awwww!! We love you too!! What a sweetheart he is!!!! He arrows such wisdom and poise!