Alyssa Klein


Oct 16 at 05:41 PM

Poppin’ in to cheer everyone on who’s doing the challenge and also to share my supergoals!

I’m not typically one to interact in this way on the internet, but I’m trying to be more open (which can be scary, but also good!) And this family is awesome, so I’d love to connect more :)

I wrote my supergoals for the next 60 days to be as if I’ve already achieved them. I’m looking for better job security, and I know that’s not always within my control, but I’m working towards getting my materials together, and I’m really proud of that. My second goal is completing my Neuro-Dramatic Play certificate, the end goal of becoming a registered Drama Therapist. And my last goal is to make at least 10 minutes of distraction- free time for myself on the mat for the next 60 days.




Mar 15 at 12:27 PM

My workout goal for this week is to stay present in my workouts! I’m doing this my putting my phone on do not disturb, and using my remote to fast forward and rewind (instead of using my phone; I have AirPlay 😂). I’d like to feel more connected and present by the end of the week.