Jessica Burton

Dallas, TX, United States


Mar 08 at 12:40 PM

I’ve tried to post this with a picture multiple times with no luck sooo here’s the quote I’m referring to:

“Don’t grow a wishbone daughter where your backbone ought to be”- Celementine Paddleford

Today Marnie had us visualize a special strong woman/women during class. Mine were my mom and my 26 year old self.

My mom gave me this awesome quote years ago. It hangs in my bathroom and I take those words in everyday. My mom showed me what it’s like to be a great mother and I look up to her so much ❣️

My 26 year old self took on a lot all while staying strong and positive. I was 26 when my (now) stepdaughter moved in with us full time. She was in 7th grade so I went through all the milestone girl stuff with her. Although at times I felt overwhelmed and too young for such an adult role I channeled my mom and made our house a happy home😊My stepdaughter and I have a wonderful relationship and I feel so proud that I was a strong female role model during such an important part of her life 💪✨



Mar 04 at 07:16 AM

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It’s a serious workout sitch in my tiny house this morning in Dallas 💦 💪 My bff is in town from Milwaukee- she also happens to be the one who introduced me to Marnie on popsugar instagram lives during lockdown spring 2020🙌

We are doing our workouts in every room of my house- including my 6 year old who was inspired my me and my bff💙

Love the healthy habits I’m teaching my sons through my commitment to M/body💪❣️



Jan 26 at 09:03 AM

I’ve been really good about drinking my lemon water first thing in the morning 👏👏 But there’s some days I forget until later… I end up still drinking it but sometimes after coffee & breakfast and sometimes in the afternoon… my thought is it’s better that not at all, right??



Jan 06 at 01:34 PM

I woke up in a lot of pain today- I’ve suffered from arthritic flare ups since my 20s and though I haven’t had one in a while I knew that’s what was going on. I’ve been going 100 miles a minute since I finished a full time job in December and think I have just pushed my body too hard. I’m working on the 10 day challenge and have done M\body everyday since sometime before Christmas… there was a big part of me that kept thinking I “should” do a workout today. But I finally listened to what my body NEEDS and that’s a day of rest! I’m already feeling better and I still had a very productive day- win/win😊 Love that Marnie always encourages listening to our bodies- mine was talking loud and clear 😜 Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I’ll hop back on the challenge 💪💪



Nov 18 at 02:52 PM

And I’ve had to bend a LOT this challenge! I’ve been sicker over the past few weeks than I’ve been in years🥺 First a stomach bug last week then the flu hit our house on Tuesday 😵‍💫 Trying to heal up and regain strength to hopefully get back on the mar in the next week or two. Not at all how I envisioned this challenge but I’m trying to bend with what life’s throwing my way in order not to break❣️



Nov 02 at 06:48 AM

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We love Halloween in my house! We always do a theme! This year was Sonic the Hedgehog 2

We are Dr Robotnik, Sonic, Knuckles & Tails❣️

Love to share here since I’m off social media😊



Oct 17 at 08:24 AM

For some reason my picture didn’t go through on my previous post- here it is! My sweet boys working out with me💙💙



Oct 16 at 09:54 AM

SO excited for this challenge! I started a new job a few months ago and it’s been really tough balancing my work/ life situation… feel like this challenge is JUST what I need! Going for 30/60 to be realistic but hoping to sneak more workouts in during the 60 days!

Another really lovely thing about challenge time in my house is the huge support I get from my family🥰 I’ve done almost all the challenges to some extent at this point and it’s such a vibe in my home! My boys jumped in for parts of today’s workout and the comment was “Wow Mommy this is harder than it looks! You’re strong!” 🥰 Music to my ears! Looking forward to this special time with my M/Body fam and my sweet fam at home cheering me on✨✨💪🔥



Aug 25 at 07:59 PM

My 10 almost 11 year old Wirefox Terrier first ever baby! Even pre human babies! Love her so much! She ALWAYS cheers me on during my M/body workouts 🥳



Aug 25 at 07:54 PM

Having a serious Proud momma bear moment and wanted to share 😊

My boys’ school library has been a voting site every year they have gone there. While I’m ALL about voting, with recent mass and school shootings, having voting in the school during school hours just seems incredibly unsafe for the students and faculty! Over the past few months I’ve been reaching out to our school families as well as our district and state representatives asking to have the children out of school on voting days. I went to the district board meeting tonight with some other parents and the district board voted in favor of this!! Feeling so happy and relieved❣️

I obviously can’t stop school shootings but I feel like I did my own small part in keeping my boys, their peers & all the wonderful staff safe on voting day✨👏

I don’t know that this is something I would have had the courage to do pre M/Body… I have gotten so much stronger physically and emotionally through this family! ❣️