January 06, 2023

I woke up in a lot of pain today- I’ve suffered from arthritic flare ups since my 20s and though I haven’t had one in a while I knew that’s what was going on. I’ve been going 100 miles a minute since I finished a full time job in December and think I have just pushed my body too hard. I’m working on the 10 day challenge and have done M\body everyday since sometime before Christmas… there was a big part of me that kept thinking I “should” do a workout today. But I finally listened to what my body NEEDS and that’s a day of rest! I’m already feeling better and I still had a very productive day- win/win😊 Love that Marnie always encourages listening to our bodies- mine was talking loud and clear 😜 Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I’ll hop back on the challenge 💪💪