Kristina Neri


Aug 16 at 04:03 AM

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I went in strong, but then I got my tattoo touched up and was tying up p loose ends at my old company because I got a new job! I’m proud of what I was able to accomplish and can’t wait to get into a new routine for the next challenge! Congrats to all the challengers that participated!!!



Jun 27 at 01:58 AM

I joined a gym that has a studio with bars because my new downstairs neighbor was wondering why I was moving furniture at 6:30am (I was doing an M/Body workout 🙈). Problem is that this gym has classes in studio around the same time I get there and we can’t use it if a class is going on, so this week my goal is to try to wake up at 5am to get there early enough to get a workout in before a class starts. Any early birds have any tips for me?



Jun 18 at 04:35 PM

Here’s my top three plus one more to spicy it up! Wishing global fam an amazing summer 💕



Jun 16 at 11:15 PM

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Hi Fam!

I had posted early to see if any fam members would be in Berlin the same time as me and a few wanted some pictures of my trip! I was quite nervous traveling mostly solo because I didn’t know what to expect. I did a lot of tours and I put myself out there to try new things. Plus I had a nifty guide from a close friend too! I got over 16k steps a day while I was there and of course I did some M/BODY videos at the hotel gym too. Berlin is a great city and would like to go back another time!



May 13 at 02:24 PM

I’m traveling to Berlin for work May 31st to June 4th. I’ll pretty much be solo traveling and wanted some recommendations on things to do or check out. I’m also down to meet anyone part of the global fam on the 2nd or 3rd!

Thanks in advance and cheers!