Lesley Brown

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Jun 22 at 11:14 AM

Linnea I usually do weights 3xs per week, and when I do I line it up with a shorter class. Like the live on Wednesdays, I will follow or lead with weights depending on my schedule. Or I will do a 30 minute class and then weights as well. I'm only doing weights for 30 minutes max when I do this too! I don't do weights on days I do a 60 minute class. MBody is for sure more enjoyable!

Jun 19 at 06:51 AM

If you could touch on perimenopause and how to navigate that with exercising, hot flashes, and everything else that comes with this. I would love to understand how to maintain or help my body through this process gracefully. Are there any natural supplements or natural things to do to help with estrogen loss? Thank you <3


Jun 19 at 06:46 AM

I feel this post so much! I started weight lifting this year, and honestly, I wish I would have started it sooner. Calcium and Vit D are a must. I did learn that you can only take 500mg of calcium every 4 hours. If you take more than 500mg your body does not absorb it. I think just taking care of you, however that looks; exercising, healthy eating, sleep, laughing, walking, reading, and having fun is key.ย 

I am also intrigued by facial taping and cupping, as these are natural ways to help with facial lines. But, then I also think, we have these lines on our face because we have smiled and laughed so much! You will rock 40s...lets go!!ย 

Apr 12 at 05:18 PM

Somewhere central would be amazing! Minneapolis, Chicago, or around there. But honestly, anywhere in the US or Canada! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ


Mar 08 at 06:58 PM

Yesss!! Perfect! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Apr 05 at 11:10 AM

Excited for RENEWAL!!! Happy birthday!


Commented on Song Requests

Feb 17 at 01:08 PM

Nina Simone, the Jazz singing legend andย The High Priestess of Soul. Her song Feeling Good!!! ๐Ÿ’–


Replied on Whoo hoo!!

Apr 27 at 01:23 PM


Replied on Whoo hoo!!

Apr 27 at 01:23 PM

Same to you! It was a good sweat today! ๐Ÿ’ฆ


Apr 27 at 07:34 AM

Happy Wednesday! Excited to workout with you all today! I've been away for a bit, so it's nice to get back to the mat and sweat. I'm ready for "leg day!!" ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’“