Whitney S

Mar 22 at 10:30 PM

Molly, I’m so sorry to hear this news and I’m wrapping you in my arms as you navigate these next moments. May you surround yourself with your loved ones and lean heavy on each other, and know we’re also right here supporting you through this journey.


Mar 20 at 09:01 PM

I’m not sure I’ll do it again and I think that’s just fine!


Mar 17 at 12:45 PM


Jan 19 at 04:11 PM


Commented on I require opinions!

Sep 01 at 08:58 PM

I very much appreciate this post and the thoughtful replies, as I can very much relate and have felt somewhat defeated myself with this particular move. It feels a bit awkward and also uncomfortable, more so on one side than the other. I’ve not found an exact fix for me, but will attempt some of these techniques and appreciate Marnie incorporating it now a few times to help encourage the practice, with the ultimate hope of success one day. Keep at it and know you’ve got others doing the same, especially to overcome a challenge, and hope you get that fix soon which makes you feel good in the end!

Mar 06 at 05:42 PM

Just revisited this one and it is definitely in my top 5 favs! Such fast, free movement with some really rad choreography. I smiled the entire time while kicking and punching all of the tension out, and came out completely reenergized. Highly recommend!

Oct 15 at 11:19 AM

Sending positive energy your way and swift healing! Try and keep your spirits up while giving yourself grace to rest without self doubt. You will know when you’re ready to return and should focus on what feels right. You’ve got this and I’ll be cheering you on from my corner of the world. Much love!

Sep 21 at 05:50 PM

This was such a beautiful class, and one that my heart especially needed today, giving me the release I desperately needed through salty sweat and tears. 🤗🧡

Jun 18 at 09:43 AM

What a fun class! I love watching the exploration and how different it is for every person, as they navigate Marnie’s expertly choreographed moves, and throughout start to access parts of their mind and body they didn’t know existed, or that they’d forgotten about. I still remember feeling this way myself early on, and thinking I could never possibly keep up and be that coordinated. Of course I still fumble and lost my balance, but I now believe and know I can do all of the moves, even if it’s a modification. I’m proud of myself and all of these wonderful humans should be, too! Way to keep spreading the love, Marnie; you’re forever our soul sister!!

Apr 17 at 06:37 PM

What a nice compliment. Thank you, friend!