Annie Kee

Aug 05 at 07:27 PM

Jenny!! See you at the lives!

Jul 31 at 04:54 PM


Not mine but the handsomest doggy nephew ever, Mac!

Jul 31 at 04:53 PM

Love a power sculpt, a puppy, and a mediation of kindness. Thank you!


Jul 07 at 11:18 AM

I did the <45 chair dance (which dropped the day before my bday) and then the meditation. Still feeling my legs for surerrrrrre. So did the de stress stretch flow today! Feeling great!


Jul 06 at 10:57 AM

Recovery flow 242 (get cozy) and cardio dance 240 (joyful and grateful tears)! Sending love


Jun 30 at 10:33 AM

Re Marnie's final words: Diane Von Furstenberg doesn't like the question "How old are you?" She prefers "How long have you lived?"


Jun 29 at 09:53 AM

Just revisited this and am still in love! A perfectly balanced full body workout!

Jun 27 at 11:44 AM

stretched and open. feeling great!!!


Jun 18 at 05:52 PM

Iโ€™ll be 41 on Sunday. I think this year, I started really focusing on my wellness, mind body and soul. Iโ€™m in good therapy, taking anti anxiety meds, move my body every day, try not to drink too much, moisturize my skin A LOT, and try to do something quiet and reflective (for me thatโ€™s journaling) every day. Welcome!!!!


Jun 07 at 11:11 AM

i needed this so badly after traveling and time on planes!