Krista Greenblatt

Commented on Day 9!!!

Mar 13 at 09:14 PM

This challenge has also been about giving myself permission to focus on myself a little. Not too much, but just some time every day! So nice!

Commented on Mini dance partner!

Mar 12 at 06:08 AM

My 4 year old son does many of the moves with me! He loves it. So cute!!

Commented on Where are you from?

Mar 12 at 06:07 AM

Hello! I'm from small town Wisconsin but now I live in small town New Jersey: Stockton, NJ, USA.

Mar 11 at 12:25 PM



Mar 10 at 05:27 PM

I noticed today during the floor core rolling push-up section that I could get lower than I have in a long, long time!! It feels so amazing to see real strength gains and with workouts that have me feeling good instead of punished after! Sure, I'm sore, but in a way that the ground is sore in the spring with new roots spreading through it.


Mar 09 at 07:44 AM

I'm excited for our pushups!! I know we can do it!

Commented on Goals!

Mar 08 at 10:56 AM

I'm a radio DJ! That's my art, a good playlist and commentary.


Mar 08 at 04:07 AM

Goal 1: be able to put palms on the floor by the end of the challenge

Goal 2: complete 45 days (already done 3! Yay!)

Goal 3: be able to do 1 real pushup by the end of the challenge

I'm joining! Hoping for 45 but leaving myself space to go in either direction depending on how my body feels.