Krista Greenblatt


Mar 31 at 11:04 AM

If you're hesitating because today's workout is 60 mins, just give yourself permission to try it! Such a beautiful, wrung out bliss after.



Mar 30 at 04:59 PM

Loved this workout today. Couldn't make it to the live so did it later. What a great playlist. Love the song "sex bomb," that one is already on my personal montage playlist so hearing it was a great little bit of kismet.



Mar 26 at 12:19 PM

I wanted to keep these boots for my next child but instead I'm giving them to a friend whose child needs them now! Decluttering my house and my spirit.



Mar 18 at 06:22 AM

My husband and I have started sharing a glass in the morning. I like the food processor version of it! Easy way to get lots of fiber and good for the blood sugar, too. Blended with a cucumber it takes away the celery taste, which is good because I usually dislike celery.



Mar 15 at 02:28 PM

I really liked how today's hip opener built on moves we've been doing! The reach behind and grab the foot shocked me with how much my range has improved just over this challenge. Picture is of a snow crocus coming up in my yard. My goal is to do "1 more" every time I am ready to quit during a set of exercises.



Mar 10 at 05:27 PM

I noticed today during the floor core rolling push-up section that I could get lower than I have in a long, long time!! It feels so amazing to see real strength gains and with workouts that have me feeling good instead of punished after! Sure, I'm sore, but in a way that the ground is sore in the spring with new roots spreading through it.



Mar 08 at 04:07 AM

Goal 1: be able to put palms on the floor by the end of the challenge

Goal 2: complete 45 days (already done 3! Yay!)

Goal 3: be able to do 1 real pushup by the end of the challenge