Meena Khan

Commented on I need a new towel!

Oct 24 at 02:03 PM


Commented on Suggestions please!

Oct 23 at 02:52 PM

Hi! Rest is as important as working out. Please only start to think of classes when your body is completely ready. Fitness is a lifelong endeavour. Perhaps breathing exercises and leisurely walks can help you ease into a routine. Get well soon!


Oct 23 at 10:38 AM

Hi! I just completed class 229. It is as a tough one for me. I hope that we can add towel moves into other classes. My hats off to everyone who did this class. Congrats!!!


Replied on I did class 227!

Oct 20 at 04:35 PM

Thanks so much!

Oct 20 at 04:34 PM

Hi! I think it is smart that you expressed your fear because it reduces the size of the fear. When I am scared, I focus on the end result and the rest just starts to fade. Can you focus on the positive points of your destination to help lessen the anxiety? Sending you cloud-filled thoughts. ๐Ÿค—

Replied on I did class 227!

Oct 19 at 07:48 PM


Commented on I did class 227!

Oct 18 at 07:46 PM

Thanks so much!


Oct 18 at 06:25 PM

Hi! I canโ€™t believe I did class 227 after a long day at work. I was convinced that I could not do itโ€ฆ I learned that a lot of like is mind over matter.



Oct 17 at 03:31 PM

Hi! I just ate some Crispers because I consider them to be crackers in the Goldfish category of crackers. I am not touching chips, ie above chip but certainly not on par with Carrโ€™s. I recall that there was a debate if a Crisper is a cracker or a chip. Any comments, please? I feel kind of bad eating Crispers because they may be technically chips and avoiding chips was my goal. Thanks.



Oct 16 at 08:33 AM

Hi! I order to save on costs, I am using my agenda to do the writing exercises featured in the challenge. Aside from saving on a diary, I always know where I keep my agenda and the entries integrate the challenge into my schedule. I hope that this suggestion helps other people.