Meena Khan

Hi! I am doing the 5 days a week challenge:) I wish everyone the best of luck!

Oct 05 at 09:57 AM

Hi Marnie! Hello Everyone! I am here;) So excited!

Commented on Tight feet

Oct 04 at 08:10 PM

Thanks so much! I will add a half of a banana to my smoothie. The pain was excruciating.

Commented on Letting go

Oct 03 at 05:24 PM

Hi! It is hard to let go but it is doable. I learned a lot about the issue of attachment by listening to the Craig Kenneth and Love Chat YouTube channels. I listened to the attachment videos carefully and I finally let go of the hope that my ex-boyfriend would come crawling back to me. It will never happen and that is okay. I think it is letting go of the hope that a situation can change to one’s preferred outcome that is difficult.


Oct 03 at 01:30 PM

Hi! Last night I was sitting on the sofa, reading a book. My feet did not fall asleep. I got up and then had to sit again because the part of my foot which starts at the bottom of the shin and reaches to the part that bends (corner of the L shape) hurt. It was like they were clenched and it was unbearable to stand. I tried to do some stretches and it was excruciating. Has this happened to you? Thanks!



Sep 28 at 07:46 PM

Hi! I loved the music in this class. I recall watching Happy Days when I was a wee one and understanding Joanie’s angst at being the youngest. Joan Jett guest starred on an episode and I will never forget how Joanie contemplated joining her band as a back up dancer. Guess who wanted to become a back up dancer at age 3? The song was followed NKOTB… this was my first concert! I will never forget March 17, 1990 at the Montreal Forum. I went with three friends, and I recall that the parents dropped us off and fled clutching their eardrums. A great night! We were teeny boppers with the hottest tickets in town. Do any of the songs invoke memories for you?


Sep 09 at 11:31 AM

Thank you! I visited Holy Rood and I saw Balmoral… beautiful! Long live the King! This is what the Queen would have wanted.


Sep 08 at 04:59 PM

Hi! The Queen’s passing brought me to tears. Anyone else impacted similarly? I never had the honour to meet the Queen but her work ethic and dignity inspired me. I cannot believe that Canada now has a King because I truly respected the Queen. The Queen was always present and never waivered in her duty. The Queen has earned her rest and I hope that she is with the Duke.


Sep 03 at 10:01 AM

hi! I am excited to join the class!

Aug 27 at 06:46 AM
