Daniela Capuano

Paris, France


Mar 29 at 11:22 PM

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That's me.working from my hotel room in Dubai with water bottles.

So I'm trying to let go off old patterns and unreasonable expectations with myself.

And my super powers I believe is joy! I always try to be positive and makes the one around me smile. Even when things are hard I still manage to make fun of myself .

Ps. If you guys watched the video we make for the birthday of mbody that is not my voice. Hahaha that's my sick ๐Ÿ˜ซ voice ... ๐Ÿคฃ



Mar 25 at 08:19 PM

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Almost all done. I miss 3 workouts, the XXX class, the M<45/77 and another 60 min signature. But the tulips atรฉ my sister garden are out. That makes me happy!



Mar 15 at 01:52 PM

Goals foe the week:

Do at least 5 workouts

Do not quit when it burns ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Anyone else adapting the board to fit the schedule?



Mar 11 at 12:04 PM

Mbody/87 is my all time favourite sculp class! I was so happy to do that one 100 % on low impact options, I still sweat. I have my period and a sinus flu! But, I'm feeling better now! Tomorrow I'll not gonna.make to the live, so I wish you all to have fun ! Bisous ๐Ÿ˜š



Mar 07 at 03:34 PM

Day 3 was a great rest for the legs and really fore for the arms. Love the pace. I'm still figuring my smart goals. So I'll share then tomorrow;)

Hey fam!!! Tomorrow is a big day for us women! Let's celebrate our rights!


Mar 05 at 07:06 AM

Ill be inna dinner tonight, and ill check rhe live from there. But i start the challenge doing tomorrow's workout today! So here is a sweaty self to inspire you Fam!!!

Have fun tonight ill pick it up tomorrow.