Kelsey Woolner

Grand Rapids, MI, United States


Aug 16 at 07:00 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

31/60. My original goal was 45/60 but this challenge was a lesson in balance. I’ve always tended towards an “all or nothing” mindset, especially with my fitness. Either it’s the hardest workout or it’s no workout at all. When I knew I wasn’t going to hit 45/60 due to a busy summer schedule with lots of travel, I was tempted to quit the challenge all together. But this time I didn’t. I modified. I’m thankful for a fam that is joyous and supportive and thankful for Marnie who always provides modifications!



Aug 13 at 05:09 AM

I can’t believe how fast this challenge has gone by! This has been one of my busiest summers ever with lots of travel and hosting guests in my home so it’s been hard to make time for the challenge lately. But! I’m still going. And I’m grateful for a community that is encouraging and supportive without judgement!



Jun 26 at 09:06 AM

Trying to get to bed on time in the summer is always harder for me than in the winter because it’s light outside so much later! I’m going to work on that this week.



Jun 19 at 08:06 PM

I am super excited (maybe a little nervous??) to be joining in for the challenge! I wasn’t able to complete the challenge last fall after I got COVID and had to slow my workouts waaayy down so I’m looking forward to trying again! In the middle of a very busy summer (anyone else have a bunch of weddings to attend?!), I think this challenge will be a perfect reminder to carve out time for myself. I’m committing to 45 days! Here are my goals:

  1. Prioritize time for me - don’t just see what’s “left over” at the end of the day.

  2. Use gentleness and kindness as motivators - not harsh judgments or shame.

  3. Learn to enjoy the plank series and use them as a chance to feel strong and play.



Dec 19 at 03:40 PM

Well, I set out to do the challenge this season after skipping the spring challenge because I was moving into my new house! I was hoping to use this challenge to get into a rhythm and find some grounding after a year of change. But COVID struck and took me down HARD! I was initally so disappointed and angry but I think my body just needed rest. And after giving it some solid rest time (the longest break I’ve taken since starting M/body in April of 2020!!), I’ve been getting back into my M/body with stretch videos and quick 20/30 minutes. I did my first 45 minute class in a while and I am feeling so good. I am so thankful and JOYFUL for my body today. And for this fam!



Oct 24 at 02:32 PM

Anyone else hate the dentist and avoid making dentist appointments for months and months?? Anyways, I made one today. Day 10 ☑️



Oct 17 at 06:26 PM

Hi fam! I was camping last weekend so I missed the first couple days of the challenge but I am super excited to get started! I’ll be going for 45/60 workouts this time around. This is my 6th challenge!! I cant believe how far I’ve (and the whole global fam!) have come since the first challenge in May of 2020! My super goals for this challenge are:

  1. Get to bed on time so I can get up on time to do my workouts!

  2. Enjoy/prioritize the shorter workouts! I’m a 60 minute junkie and tend to be an “all or nothing” person (which lately has meant a lot of nothing). A quick trip to the mat is better than no trip to the mat!

  3. Work on my push-ups. I lost a lot of ground last winter after injuring my elbow. Time to get some strength back!



Apr 18 at 05:11 PM

I started M/body online in April of 2020 and I worked out Every. Single. Day. I re-did those early videos so many times while I waited for the new lives every week (remember the Instagram lives?!). I’m certain that doing M/body everyday is what kept me sane in the first year of the pandemic and working from home made it possible! But as I’ve started going into the office more and more (now I’m back in everyday), it’s way harder to fit in those lunch time workouts. I’ve been battling some negative self-talk and guilt because I’m not making it to the mat everyday. But the thing I realized today (after I just finished an M<20 at 8pm!) is that I freaking love working out with M/body. It makes my body and my soul feel good. This is a new season with a different rhythm and a different pace and so my workout schedule looks different. DUH. But these workouts and this community still brings light to my life. Whether it’s everyday or 3x/week.