Becca Henry


Jan 04 at 10:00 AM

For anyone needing help picking out a class, bc let’s face it there are so many!
I just finished 145! It is a great shorten (45 mins) signature class with a great barre section and lots of ball use throughout the class! 🩰👯‍♀️



Aug 16 at 09:53 AM

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So proud of everyone! I went for 45 and completed 52!!! My challenge was keeping up with the wellness activities which I ended up completed 59/60 ( I still owe myself an Epsom Salt bath but you need to have it first!🤪). That being said I have integrated other wellness activities into my daily routine which is helped tremendously! On goes the journey!



Aug 15 at 05:38 PM

Tonight during Healing Hips 307 I found myself in the lowest goddess position I have ever been. There is so much more to explore, but in that moment I was in awe of my flexibility and wanted to share my achievement with all of you!!!

Congrats to everyone that finished their challenege! So proud of all you badass warriors!!! You Rock!



Aug 02 at 11:33 AM

I have been pretty quiet during this challenge but just know I see you! I want to give a huge shoutout to all my warriors doing the challenge or not, you are all amazing and I am just so proud of each of you! We are so damn lucky to have such a special community that we GET to be apart of! 🥰🥰🥰



Jun 19 at 09:05 PM

I just have to say how much you’ll inspire me. I am just in awe reading through all of your goals.

I plan to complete 45 workouts and all 60 wellness activities. My goals for this challenge (8th!)

  1. To not drop my crown 👑

  2. To keep going even if that means slowing down

  3. To hydrate more

  4. Practice positive self-talk

Proud of us!🥰



Dec 04 at 09:14 AM

“You can do hard things”

“You matter deeply”

The list goes on………..



Oct 16 at 03:17 PM

Anyone else’s glutes sore today?! Just me 🙃😆😉



May 03 at 12:28 PM

I want to give a huge shoutout to my M/besties in finishing the challenge! We did it! I celebrate you! Congratulations!!!



Apr 18 at 11:18 AM

Every challenge I have done I set my goal for the full 60 days. This challenge has been very challenging for me in ways I was not able to control, such as getting sick twice and an injury. I have been debating for a while now to change my goals and listen to what my body is telling me. Last week, while sick on the couch I was writing in my journal and I came to the realization that my challenge needs to be about slowing down and managing what I can control. I know that I can complete 60 days, I have done it before (more than a few times😉)! What I need to focus on is showing up to the mat each and every time my body allows me to, and to honor the days I need to rest or slow down even if it means to miss a live - I never like to miss a live, who does?

I will be shifting my goals from 60 days to 45+ and to move everyday I have the strength to. I will respect my body and serve it well because it is the only one I have!

Thanks for reading!💜



Apr 12 at 12:47 PM

Well it’s official, I have tendinitis in my right arm! Yay! So what this means is no straight arm planks, push ups or weights until it’s under control! Bring on the modifications!!!

Yesterday was my first day of PT. Has anyone had dry needling done before? I have had it done before but never in my arm - it hurt a lot but hopefully it helps moving forward!!!