Becca Henry

Mar 21 at 10:28 AM

What a fabulous day!!! The energy was ๐Ÿ”ฅ! I was smiling and crying of happiness the whole time! My heart was exploding with so much love!

Commented on Barre wall update

Mar 21 at 10:26 AM

This is awesome!

Mar 18 at 03:57 PM


Commented on Goal Complete!

Mar 17 at 09:33 PM

Youโ€™re amazing!

Mar 15 at 09:18 PM

Yes! 1 more, Iโ€™m in!

Commented on Day 10 workout goal

Mar 15 at 09:17 PM

Yes! I love putting my phone on dnd!

Mar 14 at 08:56 PM

Yes! They were killing me today! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Mar 14 at 08:55 PM

Remember that your body my feel different every day! Some days I can do a lot of push ups and other days I am doing them on the wall! Recognize where you are everyday and remember to celebrate the fact you made it this far!

Mar 14 at 08:48 PM

I also have weak wrists. I take it down to my formarms often but I am still able to stay in plank! Give it a try sis!

Commented on Where are you from?

Mar 12 at 02:43 PM

Iโ€™m from Chicago, have lived in Denver for the past 10 years, moving to Michigan in June!