Jenny Groener

Mar 17 at 05:53 PM

Fan-F'ing-tastic! Sorry it took so long to get to. Super sweaty and such fun choreo and options. Highly recommend! Thanks Marnie!

Mar 15 at 05:51 PM

Still in love with this and I was able to go deeper into poses this time around (My goal from yesterday for the week is Be Brave). Let the Violet light guide you! Thanks Marnie.

Mar 13 at 06:42 PM

Excellent. It's been a windstorm here in Wonder Valley all afternoon so the sky is brown and heavy objects are moving about in the yard. The fact that it is still light out inspired me to get up off my butt and shake it up a bit. Thank you Marnie. Highly recommend this <20 to do at any time, anywhere, it does make you sweat, and that is awesome.

Replied on M/<60 SIGNATURE /38

Mar 11 at 10:12 AM

@beata The trick is to keep doing them, modify however you like and you'll get there. Think about how strong they make you and how you are working every part of your body when you do them - even on the knees, even only going down half way, even doing them on the barre or against the wall. They will become a part of you. It may take a while, but keep at them. Just wanting to be friends with them is the first step!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /38

Mar 11 at 10:08 AM

Doing this for Spring '22 challenge out of order (my forte) and this was such a great way to start the day - I truly signature <60 signature class for the new kids trying M/Body for the first time. I great one to start with. And yes, there are always more pushups! ;)

Commented on M/<20 FLOOR CORE /117

Mar 08 at 05:37 PM

I am doing this class a little ahead of schedule for Spring '22 challenge as I was feeling low energy, fighting a headache, didn't want to miss a challenge day and I'm so glad I did the swap. I feel relaxed and energized and ready to face the <60 that was on today's schedule tomorrow or Thursday. I feel better tor writing this too and hopefully this will help someone down the line who needs to swap it up. Thank you Marnie for all of the lovely choices you have given us in addition to your overall badassness. xo

Commented on M/<45 SCULPT /153

Mar 07 at 03:23 PM

Fantastic. We did a good job. I release doubt! Love to the G-Fam!
Hi Danni, Marnie, g/fam!!I will be Joining! 60 days! Woo!

Mar 03 at 05:36 PM

I am so grateful for you Marnie. This was such a wonderful class. So graceful and filled with emotion for everything going on in the world right now. You are always sharing with the M/Body Global Family your love and support as we all support each other. For anyone new to M/Body reading these comments this is a wonderful gentle Barre class to try. You'll get sweaty too and your heart rate will go up even though it is low impact. Amazing.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /25

Feb 28 at 03:48 PM

Just what I needed today. Still modifying for vertigo and the pace of this one is just perfect. Love the flow and the music and everything. Great Introduction to an M/<60 for anyone new who has yet to try a 60! I promise!