Jenny Groener

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /2

Jan 13 at 01:02 PM

Great Flow & sweat & stretch. Catching up for the 10 day Lovelyness challenge. Love revisiting the classics.

Commented on M/<20 ABS SCULPT /249

Jan 12 at 05:06 PM

Oh My! This is one I will revisit often to continue to strengthen my elbows & shoulders in forearm planks. They have always been challenging for me. Excellent flow. 20 minutes flew by.

Commented on Ready for live!

Jan 11 at 05:16 PM

Such happy shoes!!! Where do they come from?!?

Commented on M/<45 FULL BODY /2

Jan 11 at 08:22 AM

Great class! Great flow, sweat, stretch! Definitely do this one if you are new to M/Body and/or haven't started the 10 days of Loveliness challenge already - it'll be wonderful for you!
Faith- just wanted to reach out today to say I was thinking about you, and I saw your tour dates and thatโ€™s so awesome! Thank you again for sharing yourself with the gFam. Xo

Commented on M/<30 BARRE + ARMS

Jan 10 at 11:49 AM

So lovely. Today I enjoyed the practice of learning how to control straightening my bent knee while in relevรฉ (during the standing barre series) without lowering my heel (as I usually do this with my heel down.) It was really nice to try to teach my body to not go into it's usual 'escape' mode (especially where my heel and ankles are concerned). I just concentrated on the bending and straightening of my knee. I'm excited about learning to train my leg do do this! Thanks Marnie.

Jan 06 at 03:47 PM

Love this one - love revisiting the playlist from awesome Superbowl halftime show. Knew I was in for planks and pushups when Eminem started playing.. Great way to get cardio and sweat in 30 minutes. Recommend!

Jan 05 at 03:23 PM

Everything everyone said so far! Joy & Sweat and feeling the global family around you always. Highly recommend as a starter class for anyone new to m/body!

Commented on M/<20 DANCER'S LEGS

Jan 03 at 08:42 AM

Loved revisiting this!

Commented on Starting

Jan 02 at 10:56 AM
