
Los Angeles, CA, United States

Replied on M/<30 STANDING CORE

Aug 05 at 02:35 PM

You noticed! So happy you like them! xo

Aug 05 at 02:34 PM

Thank you Shell! Tuesdays will stay 60min for sure. I love the hour too. xo

Aug 05 at 02:33 PM

I'm so happy you like it! xo

Replied on M/<30 STANDING CORE

Aug 05 at 02:32 PM

Lisa I'm so happy you like the 30mins. We have more surprises coming. Can't wait to hear what you think. xo

Replied on M/<30 STANDING CORE

Aug 05 at 02:30 PM

Sonia thank you for the feedback on the length & choreography. We have more fun surprises coming throughout the challenge. Can't wait to hear what you think!

Aug 05 at 02:27 PM

Thank you!!!

Aug 05 at 02:25 PM

Sweet Mali, it makes my heart full to hear that the meditation gave you a space to connect and let go. Sending you strength and love. xo

Replied on M/<60 SIGNATURE /17

Aug 05 at 02:24 PM

Forever and ever ;)

Replied on M/<60 SIGNATURE /10

Jul 20 at 04:46 PM

Thank you so much for reaching out about this! There are a few reasons that may be happening so let's look at some possibilities: - If your heels aren't equally lifted there may be less/or imbalanced support being generated from your calf (the releve should create a stabilizing contraction for your knees). Check that you have equal height in both heels and equal right in each foot throughout the set. You can also see if it just feels better to do this series with your heels on the floor. - Whenever we lean forward at all there is a possibility of bringing pressure into the knees (kinda like running downhill), to see if that's an issue, focus on really using your stable surface (ballet barre) to keep your spine completely vertical (it may almost feel as though you're leaning back slightly). - The world we're all living in right now had been a tough one on our hips. Since it's your lateral knee specifically feeling sensitive, this might be the culprit. When our TFL (hip muscle) gets shortened or tight/overactive, it can create a pull down the whole outer leg into the knee insertion. To help with this at the moment you can try stepping your feet a little wider (hip-width to lessen the 'stretch' on the outer hip), adding the ball/pillow back between your low thighs (to activate your medial muscle and help take some of the pressure off the outer leg) and/or making the hip circles smaller in range until we can get your hips a little more mobile. If it is tight hips, we can work through that! Our classes are created to help with that issue (dancers need strong, flexible hips). See if spending a few more breaths in pigeon pose or adding in a couple of Munder10 stretch videos a week helps brings some relief. Let me know how this goes! We'll figure it out together. M xo

Replied on M/<60 SIGNATURE /5

Jun 12 at 07:05 PM

Those last 8 are the BEST! I'm so happy to hear that you're experiencing the joy of overcoming the challenge! Thank you so much for being a part of our little fam. xo