
Los Angeles, CA, United States

Replied on Today’s Live

Aug 16 at 01:35 PM


Aug 16 at 01:35 PM

This makes me soooo happy!!!

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Aug 16 at 01:34 PM

That being said, there are ways to explore things that can help if you're just getting tweaked or uncomfortable sometimes. Here are some things to try: - roll out your feet every day for 2 weeks for 1-2 mins per foot. Take our micro ball and roll out the whole bottom of your foot (this is easier than it sounds cus you can do it pretty much anytime you're at home, even sitting on a zoom call or while brushing your teeth - make sure to really take your time with foot stretches in warm up and focus on spreading your toes as evenly as possible - focus on really rooting down on the pad of your left big toe whenever you're on releve - hydrate and add some electrolytes/potassium (bananas/coconut water) to your diet - ice the area after class anytime it gets painful to help with healing Let me know how that helps! Sending you lots of love!

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Aug 16 at 01:31 PM

Our feet are made up of so many bones, tendons, nerves and ligaments they're truly amazing (it's why we spend so much time focusing on them). Because all these little parts carry our body weight all day long, it's not uncommon to experience some foot pain when something is out of alignment. It's usually our body letting us know something needs attention. First and foremost, if you're experiencing pain with any regularity you should always go see your doctor. You never want to work through something that could cause you more challenges later.

Aug 12 at 04:03 PM

Omg!!! Fanni, you look so strong! You amaze me! 🥰

Commented on PLAY

Aug 08 at 09:02 AM

I love this Lauren! I think I might need to get a pair of roller skates!🤍

Aug 06 at 07:05 AM

Hi Samantha! Nope, it’s just a normal room in my house set up as a special filming space. Xo

Replied on Fam Favs Guide

Aug 03 at 01:28 PM

Love this Monique thank you!!!

Commented on Miss y’all!

Aug 03 at 01:15 PM

We missed you!!! Give K a giant hug from me!❤️

Commented on Sharing in my joy

Aug 01 at 02:57 PM

Locksley!!! 🥰🥰🥰