Rochelle KaplanRudolph


Aug 24 at 03:04 PM

Prior to the pandemic this guy and I would visit sick people. Now his main gig is to keep me calm while I work remote three days a week.



Aug 24 at 03:03 PM

This is Luna. She is my sister in law. I take care of her and sort of share custody with her and my in laws. I love this smile.



Jul 14 at 04:46 PM

Fam I did the live yesterday and loved every minute of it. And surprisingly was very sore even though the class was only 20 mins. But I wanted to share some personal stuff. I have horrible hunching posture. Why you ask? As a young woman I had very large breasts and I have always wanted to hide them. And so many of the words Marnie shared during the class really hit home. I know that many of you love your body but I struggle with body image issues. The global fam has helped but I am always my worst critic. Hopefully I can revisit this class again and work on standing up straight and being proud of my body no matter the shape.



Jun 25 at 11:10 AM

I know we are all feeling down. It took 50 years to bring down Roe. But that did not break us. Remember Marni says it is ok to fall down and get back up. We bend so we don’t break. And we have Mother Earth to catch us. Love to everyone.



May 27 at 01:25 PM

Am I dumb. Is playlist music or is it several classes ??



May 09 at 12:12 PM

Just wanted to say I always like having something to challenge me. I feel like I don’t use my Bala weights that much so I am going to try this week to workout everyday and add the Bala 1 pound weights to my workouts either my legs or arms. Anyone want to join me ?



May 09 at 12:10 PM

All. I have been searching for a good supportive sports bra for high impact and for someone with large breasts. Looking for some suggestions. Thanks. Rochelle



Apr 19 at 08:32 AM

You’ll I am going to get real personal. I would tell my younger self you will be okay. You can be happy and find someone to love and have kids and dogs and a family. Because when I was young I knew I was different. I did not have the exact words. But I was “gay” and wanted to be in a same sex relationship. But I always worried if I came out to my family they would not be supportive. I was right. They were not. But I built a life full of so much love and support. I found my person. I married her first under Jewish law then eventually legally. I had fertility issues and was not able to have kids on my own but my wife had these two amazing kiddos and I was lucky enough to legally adopt them. And I would just tell my younger self it will be okay. You will have the love and support. And I want to thank this community for giving me the unconditional love to share this personal story. Love you all. Thank you Marnie Danni and team for creating this global fam.



Apr 06 at 06:29 PM

Y’all my boy made it home safe from Greece.



Apr 02 at 11:14 AM

So last night my friend Kimmie Horne got to perform live for the first time in a long time since COVID restrictions. It was so beautiful to watch such a talented performance. And the joy on everyone’s face in the audience was just pure heaven.