Rochelle KaplanRudolph


Mar 29 at 05:52 PM

So my daughter loves musicals. Would you guys like a class with songs from your favorite musicals ? Just wondering.



Jan 08 at 03:13 PM

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Fur babies sleeping



Jan 07 at 08:26 PM

To make me happy I love seeing pictures of fur babies sleeping. Posting here. Starting a new trend. Share your photos



Dec 14 at 06:32 AM

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This one was sooo hard. I had a bad virus in the beginning but thx to the support I was able to make it to the mat 53 days out of 60. Yeah.



Dec 03 at 09:59 PM

Donโ€™t put off the JOY!



Nov 01 at 05:43 PM

I am in bed at 8:42. Usually I go to bed closer to 10 pm. Taking this part of the challenge very seriously. Anyone else ?



Oct 15 at 09:27 PM

So today my family came to town. I have not seen my PA beeps since 2019. So it was a major to see them and spend the day in Ann Arbor at the MI football game. I did not workout today. But I had such a wonderful day I am am ok with missing day one of the challenge. I am trying hard to make sure I am nicer to myself this challenge instead of feeling guilty for missing a day.



Oct 01 at 11:03 AM

Todays class the first word I put down was pain. Pain from feeling physical pain for not taking care of myself as I should. Pain for feeling hurt in my heart and head from losing my mother at such a young age. I feel like this pain has been keeping me from moving forward. Thx Marnie and fam for letting me be vulnerable and sharing.



Aug 27 at 11:26 AM

So fam I have a very sedentary job sitting in front of a computer most of the day. I have a standing desk at the office but I will be working from home 2 or 3 days a week. Anyone have a suggestion for a good chair to help with lower back pain etc ? Any suggestions very much appreciated.


Aug 24 at 03:06 PM

This is my other canine baby. He is Berkleys Therapy Dog. Keeps Berkley calm and grounded.