Mary-Ellen Romano

Toronto, Canada

Commented on Happy 3 Years!

Apr 03 at 02:55 PM

Amazing video! Thanks to the team that put it together and to all those who participated. Was great to put faces to some of the MbodyGlobalFam names.

Wow Beata. That's awfully kind of you to say. I'm just trying to take care of myself but if I inspire someone else along the way then that is an extra blessing 

Thanks Monique 😍


Mar 07 at 04:26 PM

Did number 168 today (my fave). Even with a lymphedema flare up (hence the compression garments) I still made it to the mat. Feeling blessed❤️


Mar 05 at 12:15 PM

I heard that you have had some massive snow dumps this winter! Hang in there. Spring will come (eventually! 😂)

Mar 04 at 03:47 PM

Hey Cass. Thanks for commisersating this with me! We've had a very strange winter. Alternating periods of cold and mild. It was an absolutely gorgeous day so shovelling was actually a pleasure. Marnie has definitely helped me strengthen my arms and back. Stay warm!

Mar 04 at 12:44 PM

I'm in Toronto Megan. Where are you?


Mar 04 at 09:05 AM

Hey Fam. Don't think I'll make the live today. Huge snow dump here in southwestern Ontario (Canada). Can't open the back door. Thank goodness I can get out the front! 😂Hours of shovelling ahead. But the sun is shining so I'm happy. Have a great workout 🌞😎


Commented on Today’s class!

Feb 25 at 09:57 AM

Be safe!!!

Replied on Song Requests

Feb 17 at 07:50 PM

Ooo another good one!