Chantale Desjardins

Sherbrooke, Canada

Apr 07 at 08:53 AM

Marnie Altonย What a beautiful class!!! I was scared at first and then I let myself go and it was so worth it!!! I used thick coton socks to glide and and worked wonderfully. I look forward to buying the gliders and the balls. Maybe we could do a group buy in Canada to save on shipping fees..... A suivre :)ย  Thank you so much for sharing your time, your talent and your love with us. You and your workouts are my gounding elements!!

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Mar 25 at 02:19 PM


Nutrition has always been my frenemy. It's been a long journey to find peace with food and I am still to this day building my relationship with food. I've started to adopt a intuitive eating mentality. It's not always easy to not demonize certain foods or even food groups. In order to help myself through my journey, I practice self love and positive thoughts. I journal every morning and I repeat mantras: " I love myself and my body", " I listen to my body and I nourish it" , " I eat what my body needs". I also listen to Melissa Kathryn's podcast while I sleep. I'm trying to see food as fuel, but also enjoy the foods my body wants. I try to keep it very simple and no restrictions. I've also increased my protein intake at every meal in order to stay satisfied and build beautiful muscles. I am learning to trust my intuition in terms of how I feed my body, my soul, my mind and my heart.

Mar 21 at 04:06 PM

No worries! You are an example to follow...hope you feel better soon xo

Mar 17 at 09:45 AM

That's amazing!!!!!

Mar 14 at 03:36 PM

Jessica Gallagher Thank you so much for your response. Wishing you a beautiful day filled with love ๐Ÿ˜˜


Mar 07 at 03:12 PM



Mar 07 at 03:10 PM

Lymphatic and blood flow all working together to embody strength, balance et holistic wellness.


Feb 07 at 04:58 PM

Thank you for this beautiful class Marnie Alton. It talked to my inner ballerina. xo

Feb 06 at 09:48 AM

It was great! And so Intune with Marnie's January theme as well. For me the combination of Mbody and Yoga with Adriene is the best for my overall health. BTW, it was the last 30 days after 10 years. New projects are coming.

To glide is to move in a smooth continuous motion. It does sound more elegant and more "US the fam". Sliders makes me think of burgers ๐Ÿ˜‚