Chantale Desjardins

Sherbrooke, Canada

Jan 19 at 04:46 AM

Sending love. Like Drew Barrymore Said : We don't need to do everything, there's always options. Xo Give yourself some grace โค๏ธ

Jan 19 at 04:45 AM

Sending love. Like Drew Barrymore Said : We don't need to do everything, there's always options. Xo Give yourself some grace โค๏ธ

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /251

Jan 18 at 04:29 PM

you are amazing Marnie!! Thank you so much

Jan 14 at 12:22 PM

I love them all! I prefer 20-30-45 min during the week focusing stretching and elongating. Love working legs and glutes! During the weekend I love the 60 min todays. I would also like more meditations (5-10 min)... I like to finish my workout and yoga with a short meditation. Helps with sleep etc... Thank you for the quality of your content and please continue talking to us all through the workouts, it helps me embody trust, form and alignment. With love...Tal

Jan 13 at 09:45 AM

Kombucha with sparkling water and frozen fruit or iced peach tea (tea bag infused in water overnight night) I sometimes add ginger and sparkling water.


Jan 06 at 01:19 PM

Thank you for the reminder. Here's an easy way for me to do so : breakfast ( add leafy greens, celery and green apple to a smoothie), lunch ( big veggie soup or chilli with added kale and broccoli), dinner( pasta with green Pesto make with spinach, avocado and Basil ) ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

Dec 11 at 04:42 AM

I did this after being sick for a week, and it was exactly what my body, my heart and my soul needed. I loved it!

Nov 18 at 03:44 PM

Take care and you will get back on the mat when the feeling is right.

Nov 01 at 01:36 PM

I couldn't be at the live, but I did it this morning before work and it was awesome!!! Thank you Marnie ๐Ÿ˜Š