Chantale Desjardins

Sherbrooke, Canada

Commented on Live Class Times

Feb 22 at 05:15 PM

Hi. I voted on facebook for Wednesday at 9 AM (12 pm for me) and Saturday 10 AM (1 pm for me). Have an awesome end of week. xo

Commented on Song Requests

Feb 17 at 04:24 PM

Sampha, Alicia Keys,Celeste, Ja rule, Billie holiday

Feb 17 at 08:30 AM

Thank you โค๏ธ

Commented on post was deleted

Feb 15 at 12:44 PM

I've been doing M body since October 2022. I was doing an other form of fitness before for years. Since starting mbody with the amazing Marnie, I have peace of mind, I have a good relationship with working out, I respect my body and the level it's at that day. As Marnie says : This variation is not better, it's different. Marnie and the community bring a holistic approach. Her mantras, her energy, her love for each and everyone of us simply brings the workouts to another level. My mind is clear, my heart is full and my body is stronger, more flexible, better posture, slimmer but not skinny. It's just magic through the screen. And so worth It!!!

Replied on I did it!!!

Feb 13 at 02:21 PM

I did! She's Magic

Feb 12 at 03:07 PM

I read, watch movies, clean my house, diffuse essential oils and cook a big batch of veggie soup.

Commented on post was deleted

Feb 06 at 03:04 AM

Marnie promotes listening to our bodies first. Rest will get you back stronger faster. Yesterday I felt really sick, tummy pains, nausea etc... I felt bad for not being able to do the 45min sculp planned in the challenge. I almost pushed myself to do it. But decided to switch day 5 and 6 which was an intention meditation. I also did a little 20 min yoga to stretch my belly. Today If strong enough I will do day 5. That's what I love about Marnie, no guilt, no pressure.... everything comes from a place of pure love. Hope you feel better soon. Sending good vibes.

Commented on Happy Monday

Jan 30 at 09:50 AM

Thank you ๐Ÿ’•

Commented on 60 MIN SIGNATURE 01/29

Jan 29 at 10:03 AM

HI!!! Fellow Canadian :)

Jan 29 at 06:51 AM

I will be there! Last night hubby and I celebrated 21 years of being in love. We put on a playlist of 90's and 2000's music and danced in our living room!! It was fun! Had 2 cocktails.....soooo I'm drinking water with lime and ginger this morning ๐Ÿ˜‚. The workout will do be good, even if I might go slow lol!!