October 29, 2022

So, yesterday one of my right ribs went out of joint. It happened when I was doing the abs part of the restorative flow but not correctly/carefully. If you’ve never had a rib go out, just know it is very painful and uncomfortable. I went to the chiropractor yesterday for myofacial release and hopefully fix of the rib, but even he couldn’t get it back in place. Needless to say, I went into today’s live cautiously, but knowing I needed to move, at the least I would do the lower body portions. Well, long story short, some time in the work out today my rib was corrected! I ended up doing the whole thing including jumps and push-ups! Thank you a million times over, Marnie for creating these amazing healing workouts. I’ll be extra careful with the abs portions from now on. I think I’m a head on the floor type… Cheers everyone!