May 03, 2022

Surprise surprise, being kind and gentle with oneself works really well hehe! Instead of pushing for 60 (all or nothing) I allowed myself to set the goal of 30 workouts for this challenge. Lo and behold, I did 45 in the end!

My favourite part of these challenges is redoing workouts that I donโ€™t tend to do in my regular routine. Or just miss (because we now have this gorgeous catalogue of over 180 workouts!).

My two new faves are:

  1. barre sweat 156. I struggle with the positioning of my legs, hips and arms at the bar when we do leg work so I hope to redo this one to work on that.

  2. Signature 00s themed 147. I LOVED the glute work in this one, typically done on all fours, we did on our knees while holding the bar. (I do hope Iโ€™m describing this properly). My shoulders LOVED that and I loved it. Also managed the two sets of four sets of 8 jumps!

Sorry for the loooooong post. Congratulations to my fellow fam for the completion of your personal challenge!!!!

Love to you all. Xx