Whitney Mattocks


Aug 17 at 10:57 AM

So bummed I had th miss country barre today. Just showing you proof of how i was awkwardly standing next to the water slides waiting for my children to come out while watching my Phone trying to catch the live. Hope you all had a blast!



Jun 09 at 10:15 PM

Hi Fam, just saying hi because I feel like I haven’t seen you all in so long! Work has been so busy with my new job (which is awesome) and then I coordinated my son’s jog a thon at school, joined the PTA board, am planning end of year class parties and then in the mix of all of that my son turned 6 so planned his laser tag party with friends and his actual day birthday activities. And in the mix of all of that I injured my neck/shoulder carrying my son at the Jog A Thon so I haven’t been able to do any weights or M/body all week. I get so much energy from all of you and it feels weird to be absent! Hoping things slow down and I get to see you all more. And congrats to all of you getting to be with Marnie in person this weekend!!



May 04 at 09:53 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

I posted on IG but putting them here too! I did every single workout on the 60 day challenge and did all but 3 of the bonus challenges (celery, the apple and no sugar got me!) So proud I did this through all the things I had going on…two vacations to Hawaii and Austin, a crazy job interview process, having covid myself (didn’t tell many people) and then 6 weeks later my husband getting covid and turning 40!! And I loved that all of you were there cheering me on!! This seriously is the best community ever. I am so lucky I found all of you!



Apr 21 at 09:16 AM

Ok guys I’m getting really bummed the challenge is almost over. I love having the board with my daily workouts all planned out. Does anyone know if there is an easy way to see a list of all the workouts in order? Like instead of looking around is there any where I could easily get links to class 1, 2, 3 etc? I think after this challenge I want to start with OG Marnie classes and work my way up. Thank you!



Apr 19 at 03:46 PM

I think that my younger self would be shocked at where my career ended up! Up until college I hated working out/fitness so much that my mom would write me notes to get me out of PE. I had zero confidence and still remember dreading days we’d have to play volleyball or softball because I’d always get picked last. I found my love of fitness in college and ended up working for Nike where now I’m in one of the highest digital positions you can be in for my skill set and I now get to help set a strategy to help get kids into sports. Sometimes I want to pinch myself that the girl who was picked last now gets to try and change that for generations of kids!!



Apr 12 at 10:21 AM

First - I appreciate how nice and legible everyone else’s notes are compared to mine ha! This has been a busy week at our house with the biggest great thing being I got a new job offer. I’ll still be working at Nike but I get to go back to working in Nike kids. My job is a little undefined still but one of the areas I get to investigate is how to get kids and parents more involved in sport which is definitely a passion of mine so I’m really excited!! And then my husband who also works at Nike found out he has a second interview for an elevated role so we’re thinking all the good thoughts for him too!!



Apr 02 at 04:27 PM

These two kiddos right here! They are the most beautiful things in my life. And I’ll also admit i love these pics because I feel beautiful in them. My neighbor is an amazing makeup artist and helped me get ready for these family photos and I just love them.

Also missed all of you at the live today. We are now in spring sports and my Saturdays till June are filled with baseball, soccer and softball but I’ll be there in spirit!



Mar 14 at 03:17 PM

So I’m actually heading to Hawaii on Wednesday and my goal is to stick with my M/body workouts while I’m there but also not get mad at myself if I’m enjoying myself so much I don’t make time for it. Very hard for me because I workout everyday so I’m not very good at resting!



Mar 07 at 04:32 PM

Hey Fam, I know this community space is awesome for those not on social but I do love following M/BODY gals on IG to stay motivated. I know I’ve found a lot of you but feel free to share your IG handles here so I can follow and cheer on more of you. I’m @whitlikesfit.